Adventures from Pretty Smart Stuff, a start-up recycled/repurposed furniture and textiles business.

About Pretty Smart Stuff

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Oberlin, Ohio, United States
Social entrepreneur, artist, creative genius, and lover of pretty things.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Okay, Universe, I hear you.

For those of you who are new to this, Pretty Smart Stuff is the business I'm creating as part of my graduate work through Goddard College and, despite this business having unusually low start-up costs (hello, other people's garbage!), my mom's generosity in giving me a place to live without charging me rent (hello, student-status!), and my putting off paying for school until later (hello, to you, too, student loans!), life isn't cheap.

To combat poverty and credit card payments, I've been a part-time nanny, but now Miles, the adorable little guy on whom I've been sitting for over 8 months, is going to daycare so he can be exposed to other people his size. I'm interpreting all of this as the Universe telling me to quit putzing around and get in gear.

And in gear I am getting... starting with actually building my workshop so I have a place to work, as well as hopefully selling my car and buying a truck (which is terribly exciting for a girl whose first vehicle was an F-150, as well as a possibility, as I no longer need a backseat for child-safety harnesses).

I figure, if I buy a truck for less than the Seafoam Slut (*ahem* 1999 Ford Escort) is sold, I can get a bit of money from that, and if I'm not driving places, I won't need to buy much gas, then maybe I can actually get some stuff done and sold. Wouldn't that be dandy?

I also need to make the site not suckterrible, which might mean I need to take a small vacation (yum, vacation!) to Brooklyn, NY so Ben can help me fix my site. Or I guess I could ask one of those other 57 geeks I know. But wouldn't it also be nice to get out of Oberlin for a couple days? Yessir!

So there you have it. I'm accepting a kick in the pants from the powers that be. Awesome.


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